So many readers of Stardoves want to share their
thoughts and feelings with StarDoves {Dr. Raja & Prof.
Moira} because of the meaningful information and news
about worthy products they receive from eBroadcasts and
eMail. You are welcome to submit yours.
"Please keep me on your list –
I love getting emails from StarDoves – and I save
everyone in my StarDoves file for future reference after
I read them all. I find the most refreshing, enlightened
and conscious emails all beautifully done with StarDoves
than with any emails I receive and it is an absolute
pleasure receiving them. What a great job you are doing
as you are serving such a critical function in bringing
the light workers together and serving as the
communication network for us all. Keep up the great work
and for sure keep those great emails coming. Thanks,
"I was on your mailing list for
years....and then the mailings stopped. I assumed you
had discontinued your site. It is good to know you are
still providing this provocative work. Please reinstall
me on your mailing list. Thank you and many blessings,
Lana Rayseen"
"Please add me to your
subscription service for new films. I'm the Unity of
Sarasota spiritual cinema film coordinator and am always
looking for good films to show the Sarasota community.
Jo Mooy"
"As a StarDoves subscriber for
many years, I have been truly amazed at the quality of
offerings I have CONSISTENTLY received! In a day and
time when signing up for a mailing list is usually an
invitation to get bombarded with worthless or redundant
information, StarDoves is a WONDERFUL exception! I have
lost track of how many StarDove advertisers I have
responded to over the years... ALL of which have been
worthwhile and everything they claimed to be. I really
appreciate the fact that StarDoves' focus is about
people and services which are related to the immense
vibrational changes happening on the planet. There are
so many possibilities, at this point in time and I, for
one, am grateful that StarDoves helps me be aware of
(and participate in) so many of the discoveries that
others are making and sharing. My thanks to you,
StarDoves! Please keep up the GREAT service! I am
looking forward to adding my own business to this
wonderful group of Earth Healers! "
J. Elle ~
"We learned of your service a
short while ago and are quite interested. We understand
that you have an excellent reputation and have served
the metaphysical community very well for many years.
If you would be so kind, would you take a moment and
look at our website to let us know if our site would be
a good candidate for your email marketing service?
We offer personal empowerment / metaphysical / energy
based and health related products.
Also, would you please send us a sample of one of your
mailings so that we can get a better idea of how they
are structured?
Thank you for your time.
"I appreciate the personal
touch. I "see" your vision at Stardoves. Above and
beyond your perfected email listings, you are creating
Global Family with powerful intent of "Global
Tranformation". Blessings to all of you and I support
your vision. The God, The Goddess Energy is coming in so
powerful. Oneness is very possible most likely it is
destiny! Health, wealth, true friends, laughter and
dancing with Joy is all our lifespring merging with "The
One"!!!!!!! Success to you.
"Out of all the emails I get,
StarDoves' Marketing With the Stars messages are the
most welcome. In Fact, I do not erase them because the
information and resources in them are so empowering. I
love hearing about the latest in new age services,
events, products, techniques, and personalities. All the
teachers and events are available to me through this
service in a "heads-up" way that reminds me how very
powerful all the tools now are.
The Ascension process on Earth and for all humanity is
facilitated by the service StarDoves offers. The updates
and alerts about the cosmic influences, the latest new
age technologies, the guidance of the Masters in all
realms, the channelers and the healers, the connection
with the ever-evolving highest aspects of the collective
human mind: all these things and more make StarDoves'
service to me pricelessly precious.
Dr. Ra-Ja and Professor Moi-Ra dedicate their mission to
the healing of all humanity and the Earth, and it is
thru their guidance that this great work of spreading
the information is manifested in such an uplifting and
empowering way. I give my deepest thanks to god/goddess
for their resource constantly rippling through to my
inbox, reminding me of my connection with the hugest
circle of Light Workers to ever incarnate at the same
time on this planet, reminding me that our collective
work is so diverse and far reaching as to touch every
aspect of Life, reminding me that the whole circle
shares the same Divine Center with each of us, and
reminding me to never forget that we are all involved in
the greatest miracle of Love the Earth has ever
seen--truly saving the world.
Thank you StarDoves for this holy work you do so humbly
and perform so well.
May each email be blessed with the healing power of the
Most High, Halleluiah!
Neriah Lothamer"
"I want to thank you for
advertising the St Germain beauty products
which I purchased thru
They are great!
Thanks for bringing such great products to us!
"Dear Stardoves,
Yes! I am happy that I AM still on your subscription
I do enjoy all your mailings and have actually ordered
products. Thanks.
Daisy G. Toribio ~ Finance/Toronto Public Library"
"Hi: I really enjoy getting
your e-mails, they have been very helpful to me and I am
sure to everybody that gets them, you are doing a
terrific service to humanity. May God bless you on the
New Year and always Thanks a lot. Martha Lopez"
"I have been enjoying receiving
your emails very, very much. Happy New Year and thank
you! Selene"
"I want to thank everybody here
at Stardoves. I have been a reader of Stardoves for more
then 7 years. The people behind Stardoves are unique
individuals who truly care for what they are doing, they
know what they are doing, and what they are doing is for
the good of not only them and those they communicate,
but for humankind in general. I have studied at the
University of Iceland for four years by now, and
Stardoves are very lucky to have academic wisdom too.
Academic and scientific support for the development of
true spirituality is not only important, it is very
important for all of us, and not just humankind in
general, but for life on Earth also. It is materialistic
science, that has created the confusion we the people of
this planet feel about our future.
We at the University of Iceland encourage Stardoves to
continue in their spiritual quest, and we wish to
encourage people world wide, to recognize the importance
of spirituality, and how it can be used, to promote
different views in this unique communication. We realize
a higher perspective, and that what really matters is
love, thru Stardoves. This is helping our children and
their generations, and how the future Earth will benefit
from that learning. Thank You Stardoves!
Ásgeir Valur Sigurðsson"
Frakkastigur 26B 101 Reykjavik Iceland
"So.. i get a lot of your
mails. That's cool. I notice this shift and appreciate
it. I find myself laying outside at night sometimes and
waiting for a ship of some kind. I figure that's
probably not what it is about. Well just letting you
know I love you. Thanks for being here. I look forward
"Da Vid & StarDoves, thank
you for your great help in disseminating Matthew's
message! You, your sites, the Light Work are performing
such a valuable service! LOVE and PEACE... Suzy ~
"Blessings to you all, Thank
you for this wonderful service. I know it takes up a lot
of your time, but it is worth it! Thanks again.
"Thank you! You're service is
truly inspired. I am appreciate your flexibility.
Blessings, Elizabeth Tobin"
"This is James Gilliland with
ECETI and Aquarius Water. It was a pleasure meeting you
and your mate. She was very loving and powerful. I hope
people understood the message as she was greatly
overlooked. When she spoke she confirmed what I was
sensing. She should speak more often. It was awesome.
One of the reasons I am writing is the water company
wants to do some advertising and I would like to as well
as long as I can afford it. Let me know more about the
advertising, how many people it goes out to and the
price. Thanks, blessings on your journey. James
"You guys are FABULOUS! I Love
and save all your emails! Kathleen Caterino"
"Greetings Dr. RAJa and Prof.
This will help me tremendously! A much better
understanding that what I was taught through
Christianity. Even when I did my own studies, I didn't
think of going in depth to learn more about "karma" or
"reaping what you sow". I should of it would of saved me
from hurting myself so much. I printed this out so I can
do an in depth study. So from this day forward I will be
more conscious of what I do and say. Sincere soul felt
gratitude! Thank you so very much... Many (((HUGS))) to
my very dear Prof. MoiRA, please!
"Stardoves", you have literally saved my life, from the
begriming when I first started emailing you, you would
take the time to answer my many questions. Others would
shun me. I would ask and ask and get the same from all
others except you. Forty-eight years is a long time with
no answers...There is much gratitude deep within my soul
heart. I was hanging on a thread of hair before totally
giving up on life period. Very much Intention of mega
Blessings to my beloved "Stardoves"! To me you are my
Double Blessings of God's unconditional Love,"
Nikohra Tantahpe IV
"Dear Stardoves:
It is with great anticipation that I read your emails.
I am emailing to request, if you have this reference,
the location of a news item I cannot find for the life
of me in my Stardoves list since last May, and was
wondering if you could locate at least the light
worker's name in question or his website address. The
email comprised information on a certain type of salt
that prolonged life, if I recall, and this German
scientist/light worker's who designed the recipe is
known to have an I.Q. higher than Einstein.
I recall printing out the website information, and have
yet to locate it from a box of papers. If you could
assist me in the meantime in locating this information,
if at all possible, I would be most appreciative.
Thank you and have a Love Dove day,
Luisa Castagnaro"
"Dearest StarDoves:
Thank you so much for all you do. I enjoy immensely
receiving your information. May you enjoy every Blessing
of this most Beautiful Season and may the New Year Bring
all you Wish for and More. Love, Light, and Laughter,
Shelley Hess, Toronto, Ontario, Canada."
"Dear Stardoves, I have been
absolutely thrilled with the Hollow Earth book by Dianne
Robbins that I bought from your eMails, and have made a
very very deep connection. I am so excited, I just
wanted you to know. I have passed the information on to
everyone I can pssibly think of, and hope they will too.
Thank you so much. Please please keep me informated if
any other important information is coming out, and put
me on your mailing list if you have one. Thanks In love
and gratitude, Ginny"
"Please add me name to your
mailing list. A friend has been forwarding your e-mails
to me and I just love them. Thank you. Helen Prescott"
"Sign me up please. May your
days be filled with Love, peace and joy and all things
beautiful, uplifting, enriching, ennobling and
prospering. Yours for a better world and a saner,
kinder, more loving and humane humanity, David Laurence
Pinkney, Director The Order of Golden Hearts & Only
Love Spiritual Ministry World service organizations
dedicated with Love to helping build a better world via
advanced education for the spiritual enlightenment,
upliftment and enrichment of humankind."
"Hi, Would you please accept my
request of subscription to your precious List. Thanks in
advance. Maurizio Baiata ~ EXPLAIN Association Rome -
"Dear StarDoves, I have enjoyed
receiving your emails since last Christmas! Thank you
ever so much for referring Dr. Joshua David Stone's
work. I am taking all five of his correspondence
courses, which are most uplifting during these difficult
times. Have a great day. Thank you, Luisa A Castagnaro"
"Dear Sir/madam, Grateful
please if you could bookmark or enlist me on your
contact list. I have accessed your site through search
engine and I'm interested in information that I read
from your web-page. My name: Meffrey Poenjili Awao
Country: Solomon Islands Thanks for your understanding.
"Add me to your list. Deborah
Gruber, Executive Manager
Independent Consultant with Arbonne
Your link to the most dynamic business opportunity!!"
"Warm Greetings Stardoves,
I'd like to change my e-mail address. Thanking you in
advance, Dahlia Kresch Miller
Rainforest Beach Retreat Centre on the OSA PENINSULA of
"Sign Me Up! Got ideas for
effectively promoting my work as a Mathematics Coach?
Inside each of us is a mathematician. This mathematician
within us is comfortable and at peace. He is ready to
serve us as we are conscious of him."
"Please add the email of my
friend to your mailing list. Thanks, J. Smith"
"Hello, my name is Pat and I
would like to be placed on your e-mail list for future
spiritual news and information. My friend Alana,
mentioned that I could recieve an e-mail from you
regarding Adama's message.
Blessings, Pat"
"Hello, Aloha,
Please may I be put on your e-mail list.
Many thanks, from New Zealand
Dolphin Smiles & Rainbows
Love & Light
Dear ET,
You send me such beautiful messages, which I would LOVE
to send to others. Here is my dilemma. Hotmail does not
allow me to FORWARD, don't ask me why!! And, could I
have the one sent today -- You Have An Appointment With
God sent to my new address? I know several of my friends
would LOVE to have this message. Thank you so much.
Blessings in the Love and Light of the Divine, Shirley
"Dear Sir, I would be very
grateful if you can send me some news letter or email or
any information. Thank you very much and God Bless
Loves, Raju"
"Keep me on the list please.
Ashok Sharma
World Peace & Nuclear Disarmament
New Delhi India * CHD Projects
Mahabharat Nirman * NGOs Network
"Please place me on your email
list. By the way...I have three grown sons who are named
Peace On Earth, (age 36) Joy To the World (age 34 ) and
Love (age 32).
Love, Tamar Hodel"
"Please add me to your mailing
list. I love your website and really resonate with your
work. Namaste, Violet"
"Please add me to your mailing
list I thank William Schive for sending me to your site.
TamaracHigh Wildlife Sanctuary and OwlFeather Medicine
"Please put me on your email
list. This is a fabulous site!! Pamela Mccabe "
"I would like to be placed on
your e-mail list. I am Patricia A Stolz, Kettering, Ohio
Thank You, Much! What a Web-site !!!!!"
"I would very much like to be
on your email list. Thank you. Selene Zeisler"
"Please place me on your
mailing list. I met you at Wesak. Dr. Eva Wilson"
"Sign me up! I need info on how
to jumpstart a new age product."
"I am subscribing to your email
list with great interest!
Mahalo, A`nah"
"All praise to beloved Master
St. Germain. Please sign me up.
"Love this site. Please put me
on mailing list. I do Reiki and some other things and
work with world web/grid , heart, etc all the time. Jan
Johnston, Reiki Master Teacher and Wolf Monarch of the
Isterfen Shamanic Adept Tradition and Toltec Eagle
Knight. I keep envisioning myself as being Love and
Peace. I appreciate what you are doing on your site. My,
what a lot of reading I am going to have to do to absorb
all you are presenting...Namaste, Jan
Thanks. Namaste, Jan Johnston ~ Reiki Master Teacher,
Founder Reiki Councils of Light"
"Please include me on your
mailing list! Great Work!
Patrick Flanagan
Please add me to your mailing list.
Blessings and Light be with you in your work.
Many thanks,
Dr Colin Beattie"