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Dr. Joshua David Stone
Stardoves are the best! Pure Souls who serve humanity. They helped me win the Book of the Year Award from COVR.org at INATS.com. Their eMail marketing programs brought thousands to my WESAK SPIRITUAL CELEBRATION in Mt. Shasta, helping to make it the Finest Event on the Planet!

~ Dr Joshua David Stone, the founder of the I AM University, was one of the most influential Spiritual teachers, leaders, and forerunners of our time.

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If you have an eMail list that you send a newsletter to regularly, or a web site, blog, YouTube account, Facebook, or other Social Networking site, etc., here is how you can be a part of this and gain tremendous benefits!

First, if you will add one of these buttons or banners that appeals to you the most, to your web site or send them out to your eMail list (with text and code provided below) — or add them to your blog, YouTube account, Facebook, or other Social Networking site, etc., you will receive ONE FREE ADVERTISEMENT placed on StarDoves eDock page, for 3 months or a free one time eMail advertisement sent to our list (your choice). The only requirement is that you place the button or banner and then notify us of your identifying ref code (see below), keep it there one year and once we receive ONLY A MINIMUM OF 5 SUBSCRIBES who click on the button or banner showing us that it works, WE WILL ISSUE YOU ONE FREE EMAIL ADVERTISEMENT!

THAT'S NOT ALL! Then, for every 150 readers that come to our list from your participating list, web site, blog, YouTube account, Facebook, or other Social Networking site, etc., we will issue you ANOTHER FREE ADVERTISEMENT either placed on StarDoves eDock page, or sent via our eMail list. If you have an active site you can realistically earn one free email advertisement yearly.


When a browser or reader on your participating list, web site, blog, YouTube account, Facebook, or other Social Networking site, etc., clicks on the button or banner — their address will then go right to our database — along with a note to us of the code name for your account. {Which you will put in place of the "ref" code explained in detail below}.

Along with the button or banner on your eMail list, web site, blog, YouTube account, Facebook, or other Social Networking site, etc., we request that you offer a few short words next to the button or banner letting readers know why the button is on your site. Do this by saying something like:

PERSONAL NOTE FROM {Your Name} : "To stay up-to-date on Spiritual Products, Events and Services for the Age of Aquarius, I|We Highly Recommend StarDoves Light Waves eMail List. Click on the button and you will start getting their messages right away."

Directly under or above the comment — please insert the button or banner.

The beauty is that YOU don't have to do any scripting on YOUR server, because we are hosting the scripted part on the MWS server, and still tracking the referring site.

Excellent for everyone who has web sites, blogs, social networking sites or who sends newsletters to their own eMail Lists.

To start, choose one of the banners or buttons below.

To save an image, right click on it and choose "Save Image As…" (keeping the default suggested name) and then change "ImageFile.jpg" in the code snippet below to match the name of the saved image.

Sign-up for Stardoves Lightwaves Aquarian Age eList
Sign-up for Stardoves Lightwaves Aquarian Age eList
STARDOVES - eBlasts for the Light Workers and Star Seeds Serving Planet Earth. www.marketingwiththestars.com STARDOVES LIGHTWAVES AQUARIAN AGE ELIST - SIGN-UP!

CODE FOR WEB MASTERS TO USE ON YOUR SITE: (this code will work for any of our banners and buttons) Click Here     Additional images Click Here